Yellow Cordia
Galapagos Mockingbird
"Darwin's Finches"
Small Ground Finch
A young giant tortoise
In the wild near Urbina Bay
Small Ground Finch
Medium Ground Finch
Facing off
Wild Land Iguanas
Guarding its Den
Thrived on Fernandina Is.
Relation with its Neighbors
Marine Iguana, Lava Lizard
Marine Iguanas
All Facing the Sun
No Parental Recognition
Flightless Cormorant
Share the Same Shoreline
El Nino Raises Sea Level
Preening Sodden Feathers
Lava Heron Stalks
And Lava Heron Scores
Massive Feet, Muscular Body
'Imps of Darkness'
Soaking in Heat
Third Eye Blind?
'Sky-Pointing' Posture
A Proud-Looking Animal
Stomach Spread Flat
Drying its Short Wings
Brown Pelican
Watch Marine Iguana Feeding
Whale Skeleton
Hermit Crab
The Endemic Lava Cactus
First Plant to Colonize
Least Influenced by Humans
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