Oct 2015


The sun through morning fog
Female Red-wing Blackbird, North Park, Pittsburgh
Echinacea (Coneflower)
Oriental Lily
Butterfly <em>Painted Lady</em>
Seagull, Barnegat Light SP, NJ
Tree Peony <em>Hoki</em>
Boatride on canal, Amsterdam, Holland
Tulips, Floriade Horticultural Expo, Venlo, Holland
Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary, Karnataka, India
Sunrise, en route to Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary, Karnataka, India
Painted Stork, Kokkrebellur, Karnataka, India
A wall sculpture in the Caminito de La Boca, Buenos Aires
Upland geese, Laguna Nimez, El Calafate
Boatride on New River to Lamanai, Belize
Red-eyed Vireo, Magee Marsh, OH
Seal, Pleneau Bay, Antarctic Peninsula
White-eyed vireo, Magee Marsh, OH
In Scott's Arboretum, Swarthmore College, PA
Road in S. India
Secret garden tour, Fox Chapel, Pittsburgh
On an Amsterdam canal
Barrow's Goldeneye, Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park, NC
Tree Peony <em>Bartzella</em>
2&quot; thorn structure on tree trunk, Chan Chich Lodge, Belize