Lake Nakuru 26 Aug, 2013


Rothschild's Giraffe
Rothschild's giraffe, unlike Masai giraffe, are not found elsewhere in Kenya
Lake Nakuru with flamingos way in the distance
Approaching Lake Nakuru, surrounded by marshes, woodland and grasslands.
Ladies harvesting crops in farm fields around Nakuru
White rhinos. Africa has two rhino species
The White Rhino has a square upper lip. (The Black rhino has a pointed tip instead.)
While Black rhinos remain critically endangered, White rhinos have been brought back from the very brink of extinction, and now are near threatened. Adult rhinos have no natural predators, except for man.
Rothschild's giraffe eating acacia leaves
In season, Lake Nakuru would be brimming with flamingoes.
Olive Baboons live in troops.
Grey crowned crane
Speke's Weaver
Hoopoe bird, named after its call
Speke's Weaver
The pride leader
The olive baboon is the most widely distributed primate in Kenya
White Rhino
A 3 DP (donkey-power) cart.