Barnegat Light SP, NJ (Jan 24, 2009)
Barnegat Lighthouse
Harlequin Ducks
Atlantic Coast Group
Adapted to Harsh Seas
Ruddy Turnstone
Vocal Ducks
Small, Diving Sea-Ducks
Named after Italian comedy
Strikingly Handsome
Perching to Save Energy
No Napping on Water
Long-tailed Duck Pair
Flock of Long-tailed ducks
Purple Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
A Life Bird
Special Concern Birds
Ruddy Turnstone
Purple Sandpiper
Turnstone Portrait
Ruddy Turnstone
Long-tailed Duck
Male Long-tailed Duck
Herring Gull
Herring Gull
Herring Gull
Canada Geese
Black-bellied Plover
Ruddy Turnstones
Turnstone Namesake
Mallards on Ice
Near Long Beach Is. NJ
"Old Barney"
Created by M.K.Ravishankar (
) on Sat Feb 16 17:16:15 2013