Callaway Gardens, GA (Apr 07, 2007)

Azalea Bowl
Azalea Bowl
Ida Cason Chapel Interior
Ida Cason Memorial Chapel
Ida Cason Chapel
Azalea Bowl
Hills and Dales Estate
Fuller Callaway Residence
Historic Gardens
Garden through the ages
Azaleas in full bloom
Snowball Viburnum
Crepe Myrtle Trunk
Oregon Grapeholly
Fringe Tree
Butterfly Center
Paper Kite or Tree Nymph
Heliconius Butterfly
Great Mormon Butterfly
Malay Lacewing
Atlas Moth
Blue Morph
Malay Lacewing
Owl Butterfly
Tree Nymph
Common Mormon
'Rohmann', Harris Hawk
Great Horned Owl
Great Horned Owl
'Vinnie', Black Vulture

Created by M.K.Ravishankar ( on Sat Feb 16 17:16:27 2013